Full Scholarships in Changsha! Bachelor & Master & PhD

Scholarship Detail

Bachelor Degree

Major: International Economy and Trade

ID: ABE24070813986

Degree: 4 year of Bachelor course

Age (years old): 18 to 24

Teaching Language: English

Application deadline: Jul 30,2024

Due to the large number of applicants, this program is currently not open to students from the following countries: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,State of Palestine,Syrian Arab Repubilc,Republic of Yemen,Republic of Iraq,Islamic Republic of Iran,The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Whether accept students who have ever been to China: Yes

Acceptable student’s current location: unlimited

Score requirements: Score over 60%.

Scholarship policy

Original tuition fee: 15000 RMB/year

Tuition fee after scholarship: 0 RMB/year

Accommodation fee-Quad room: 1300 RMB/year

Accommodation fee after scholarship: 0 RMB/year

Principal Scholarship:

First class scholarship: 22000 RMB/year

Second class scholarship: 16000 RMB/year

Third class scholarship: 8000 RMB/year

The principal scholarship implements an annual review system

Master Degree

Majors & ID:

Civil Engineering: AME24070813987

Forestry Engineering: AME24070813992

Biology: AME24070813991

Food Science and Engineering: AME24070813990

Tourism Management: AME24070813989

Teaching Language: English

Degree: 3 year of Master course

Age (years old): 20 to 30

Due to the large number of applicants, this program is currently not open to students from the following countries: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,State of Palestine,Syrian Arab Repubilc,Republic of Yemen,Republic of Iraq,Islamic Republic of Iran,The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Whether accept students who have ever been to China: Yes

Acceptable student’s current location: unlimited

Score requirements: Score over 60%.

Scholarship policy

Original tuition fee: 19800 RMB/year

Tuition fee after scholarship: 0 RMB/year

Accommodation fee-Quad room: 1300 RMB/year

Accommodation fee after scholarship: 0 RMB/year

Principal Scholarship:

First class scholarship: 24000 RMB/year

Second class scholarship: 18000 RMB/year

The principal scholarship implements an annual review system

PhD Degree

Majors & ID:

Forestry Engineering ADE24070813988

Food Science and Engineering ADE24070813994

Biology ADE24070813993

Degree: 4 year of Doctoral course

Teaching Langauge: English

Age (years old): 22 to 35

Due to the large number of applicants, this program is currently not open to students from the following countries: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,State of Palestine,Syrian Arab Repubilc,Republic of Yemen,Republic of Iraq,Islamic Republic of Iran,The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Whether accept students who have ever been to China: Yes

Acceptable student’s current location: unlimited

Score requirements: Score over 60%.

Scholarship policy

Original tuition fee: 25000 RMB/year

Tuition fee after scholarship: 0 RMB/year

Accommodation fee-Quad room: 1300 RMB/year

Accommodation fee after scholarship: 0 RMB/year

Principal Scholarship:

First class scholarship: 35000 RMB/year

The principal scholarship implements an annual review system

Study in Hunan, Changsha
There are 5 first-level disciplines authorized to confer doctoral degrees, 1 doctoral professional degree authorization category, 20 first-level disciplines authorized to confer master’s degrees, 17 master’s professional degree authorization categories, and 6 postdoctoral research mobile stations. There are 2 national characteristic key disciplines, 3 national key (cultivation) disciplines, 9 key (cultivation) disciplines of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, 1 world-class cultivation discipline in Hunan Province, 6 domestic first-class construction (cultivation) disciplines in Hunan Province, 5 key disciplines in Hunan Province’s “14th Five-Year Plan”, 1 independently set interdisciplinary discipline, and 6 disciplines of agricultural science, engineering, environmental ecology, materials science, plant and animal science, and chemistry are among the top 1% in the ESI global ranking.
Where is Changsha?
Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province, is located in the northeast of Hunan Province, downstream of the Xiangjiang River. It is adjacent to Yichun and Pingxiang of Jiangxi Province to the east, Loudi and Yiyang to the west, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan to the South and Yueyang to the north. This city has been an important grain production base in China since ancient times. Being an intellectual center, Changsha has over 100 research institutions and engineering laboratories. Hybrid rice breeding and the Tianhe supercomputer are the main scientific research achievements.
How to Apply?
For more information and scholarship application, please contact ScholarshipChina consultant.

Directly scan the QR code above, or send email to info@scholarshipchina.com.

For more scholarships, please visit ScholarshipChina website:  www.scholarshipchina.com

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