NOTICE! HSK Level 7-9 is Coming!

NOTICE! HSK Level 7-9 is Coming!


The HSK level 7 to 9 focuses on the ability to use Chinese to conduct proper social communication on complex topics in social life, academic research and other fields.

The test focuses on Chinese listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating skills, relevant topics, tasks, grammar and 11,000 Chinese words, as well as relevant Chinese culture and national conditions.

HSK level 7-9, a total of 98 questions, comprehensively test candidates listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation five language skills. The test paper is divided into five parts: listening, reading, writing, translation and speaking. Each part mainly tests a language skill, supplemented by other language skills.

Candidates who pass HSK7 have good listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and preliminary professional translation skills. Be able to conduct basic normative, fluent and decent social communication on a wide range of topics at a higher level.

Candidates who pass HSK8 have good listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and basic professional translation skills. Be able to conduct normative, fluent and decent social communication on various high-level or professional topics.

Candidates who pass HSK9 have good listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and professional translation skills. Ability to use a variety of skills, in a variety of situations, on a variety of topics to conduct standardized, fluent, appropriate social communication.

What changes?

Examination basis:

Standard for Chinese Proficiency in International Chinese Language Education


  1. The first is to reflect the uniqueness of Chinese language, determine syllables, characters, vocabulary, grammar of the four-dimensional language quantitative index system, in order to accurately anchor learners’ Chinese level.
  2. Secondly, according to the practice that Chinese teaching and learning progress are divided into “elementary, middle and high“, and the habit that international language standards such as CEFR and ACTFL are divided into three stages: primary, intermediate and advanced. Combined with the current situation of overseas learners and HSK examination, the new standard is divided into three levels and nine levels. Compared with the HSK test requirements, it not only increases the syllables and Chinese characters, but also greatly improves the vocabulary, especially the vocabulary requirements of higher grades 7-9.
  3. The third is to learn from widely recognized language learning theories, especially Bachmann’s communicative language competence model, combined with the characteristics of Chinese, and adopt three language level dimensions (language quantitative index, verbal communication competence and topic task content) and five skill dimensions (listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating) for each level. That is, the new path of “3+5” provides a comprehensive, three-dimensional and systematic description of learners’ Chinese level.

Note: the specific changes shall be subject to the official announcement.

How to prepare?


Log on to the HSK test website to learn about the test rules, test venue, test time and necessary documents.


With the help of some authoritative reference books, do some mock exam questions, and study the exam content diligently.


Do more practice in bilingual translation, Chinese writing, impromptu speech, oral expression.

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