Study in Xi’an Jiaotong University

Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) is a prestigious research university located in Xi’an, Shaanxi province, China. With a history dating back to 1896, XJTU has become a comprehensive research university offering programs in nine areas: science, engineering, medicine, economics, management, art, law, philosophy, and education. XJTU is ranked No. 303 by QS World University Rankings 2021 and No. 52 by QS Asia, and has been designated as a “Demonstration Base for International Education” by the Ministry of Education of China.

XJTU has a faculty and staff of over 5,500, including more than 1,500 professors and associate professors. The university offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs, as well as non-degree Chinese language programs for international students. XJTU has established three Confucius Institutes respectively in collaboration with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the U.S., the University of Liverpool in England, and Yamanashi Gakuin University in Japan.

The School of International Education (SIE) at XJTU is responsible for the admission, management, and coordination of international students. SIE offers an undergraduate Chinese Language program for international students and is also responsible for Chinese language teaching for all international students. The school has 31 administrative staff members and 25 faculty teachers.

XJTU has a diverse student body, with international students from over 141 countries and regions. The university offers a variety of customized courses for international students, including a “1+4” Foundation-Bachelor Program, which is a 36-week program that helps students prepare for further study in a dynamic and supportive university environment.

The university also provides various scholarships for international students, including the Chinese Government Scholarship, the Confucius Institute Scholarship, and the XJTU Scholarship. In addition, XJTU has established partnerships with over 200 universities and research institutions worldwide, providing opportunities for student exchanges and collaborative research.

XJTU has a beautiful campus, with state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure. The university is committed to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for international students, with a range of services and resources available to help them succeed.

In summary, Xi’an Jiaotong University is a top-tier Chinese university that offers a wide range of academic programs, research opportunities, and cultural experiences for international students. With its rich history, diverse student body, and commitment to internationalization, XJTU is an excellent choice for students seeking to study in China.

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